I am keeping a Dream Journal now because I want to remember as many dreams as I can. Also, it is conducive to lucid dreaming. I apologize in advance because most of my dreams err on the less than pleasant side. Enjoy.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Blast from the Past
The weirdest part was that I remember talking to someone... myself, from the past, even though I wasn't alive then, and I remember telling them (me) that I should know that I'm going to die in the month of September and that no, the day wasn't important (or the year). So if anyone reads this and knows me when I die, and its in the month of September, let it be known that I was a psychic.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
The Witch's House
We have about 3-4 acres of property behind my house, and most of it is a huge valley, so there's my house, then a big hill in the back that leads down into the valley, and there's a little pond down there too. Well, right at the base of the hill is some trees, and we have a big fire pit down there too, and it's surrounded by the sparse trees and off to one side is some woods (very small). In my dream I'm in my back yard, at the top of the hill, peering down at the fire-pit area. That is when I realize that there is a small house in the trees near it. I don't mean a tree-house, I mean a small log cabin in the trees, somehow nestled in there. It's obviously not there in real life, but in the dream nothing is out of place except this random wooden house. A rope ladder hangs down from the bottom, leading into a trap-door on the bottom.
In the dream (for whatever insane reason), I make the ascent into the house.
I honestly remember very little about what was actually in the house, except that it was eerily quiet and shrouded in darkness, with very few light fixtures anywhere to be found. These few lights adorned the walls, and the rest of the house was so dark that I could see basically nothing else, except a miniature "mine-cart" track that traveled the length of the wall, but was cast in darkness further ahead and behind. Being little, and in a dream, with nothing else to do... I climbed into the single mine-cart. It lurched into motion.
It made no sense, because from the outside the house appeared to be very small, but inside, this track just kept going and going and going. This is where I remember seeing/experiencing very terrifying things, though I can't recall a single one of them. I vaguely remember that there were a lot of flashing lights and I suppose it reminds me a little of the original Willy Wonka movie when they're on that boat going through the tunnel and it very briefly gets a bit scary and dark with lots of flashing lights and frightening pictures on the wall. I can't remember what happened, but I know I remember that I discovered a witch lived there, and it wasn't a fun experience.
I had this dream a few times, but never had it again. H o w e v e r .....
Every time I've dreamed of my back yard since, it has been there. I have never entered it again, nor have the inclination to. In fact, I very rarely even dream of my back yard at all, since most of my dreams involve people and places I've never seen.
Recently, I have been thinking about this dream more and more, nearly goading myself to dream about the house again. Two nights ago I dreamed of riding a horse down into the valley, when my dream-self suddenly remembered the Witch's house. I turned to my right to look upon the spot it has been known to reside...... but it was gone.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Flight and Elephants
Later, I was in some... place. There was an elephant, a baby elephant, in a circular cage about 25 feet in diameter. At least 30 people were circling the cage peering in, and it was alone in there, with little to nothing else inside the cage. I don't recall being at a carnival or zoo, so I'm not sure exactly what was going on, but alas, there it was. The elephant was a girl, and I can't remember her name, but I know I knew it at the time.
Anyway, I went up to the cage and made a beckoning noise towards her and she came happily galavanting over, trotting I would say, and she held out a blue squeaky ball towards me, so I grabbed it through the iron bars and threw it to the other end of her enclosure, and she ran after it. A fetching elephant, if you'll believe it. She kept coming back to me and pretty much only me. I think I had some kind of empath link with her or something, and am fairly sure I was a witch in this dream. I couldn't "talk" to her, because she couldn't talk back, but she seemed to know what I wanted. Also I could fly, if that's not reason enough to believe I was a witch. :P
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Nicholas Cage
Anyway, basically I'll keep it short, but I was in some high-end security prison. Not a normal prison with a lot of bars and things, but more like a prison you would see in Pitch Black (that crazy movie with Vin Diesel). So there were things hanging off the wall and ropes and things, for my crazy ass to work out or something. I remember vaguely soccer practice with some other inmates...
Anyway, then I escaped out of this prison by being a bad ass (even though Nicholas Cage's grandmother is more bad ass than him...). Now that I think about it, although I had the face of Nicholas Cage, maybe I was also half Vin Diesel ... or... Wasn't there some guy that escaped a prison in that movie? Anyway, I escaped, and then was on the run from the feds. So I was suddenly half Nicholas Cage and half me, I guess? And I walked into a grocery store and found my parents and little brother grocery shopping. Sort of an awkward place to be when SWAT is out looking for you. Mother was of course annoyed that I was on the run. My dad just walked me outside and said "I'll help you", but all he gave me was a baseball cap.
So we walk outside the grocery store and we're right on the edge of some big river, so I jump in, and swim out towards the center where there's this little lump of raised land (It was so small, I wouldn't call it an island), and found some weird device that was supposed to allow me to do SOMETHING underwater (see, breathe?) - but I couldn't figure out how to work it. Anyway I don't remember much more of the dream, but the point is.... Nicholas Cage? WTF?
Icarus's father, Daedalus, a talented and remarkable Athenian craftsman, attempted to escape from his exile in the palace of Knossos, Crete, where he and his son were imprisoned at the hands of King Minos, the king for whom he had built the L a b y r i n t h to imprison the Minotaur. Daedalus, the superior craftsman, was exiled because he gave Minos' daughter, Ariadne, a ball of string in order to help Theseus, the enemy of Minos, survive the Labyrinth and defeat the Minotaur.
Daedalus fashioned two pairs of wings out of wax and feathers for himself and his son. Before they took off from the island, Daedalus warned his son not to fly too close to the sun, nor too close to the sea. Overcome by the giddiness that flying lent him, Icarus soared through the sky curiously, but in the process he came too close to the sun, which melted the wax. Icarus kept flapping his wings but soon realized that he had no feathers left and that he was only flapping his bare arms. And so, Icarus fell into the sea and perished.

Monday, September 12, 2011
The Government
First off, let me say that I just read The Hunger Games and I have the sneaking suspicion that this permeated into my dream. I dreamed that I was in a movie theater, but the theater was screening a movie that the government wanted us to see. We were all to sit in on a screening of this movie, that I don't know the name of. The people in the room with me were all part of the place I lived, and we were all m a l n o u r i s h e d because of the government and the state of things in our society was poor at best. Most of the people around me, I believe, were people around my age.
I had a piece of bread with me in the theater, made illegally, with this delicious type of nut that someone had found and given to me to put into a piece of bread. I made it and handed it out sneakily to the people around me, who were very grateful even for a mouthful. The movie was beginning - and now was my chance.
I got up and sneaked out of the theater, avoiding the many government-issued guards stationed around to keep us in line. I somehow make it onto an elevator and out on another floor before I'm spotted, but then all hell breaks loose and there are guards after me left and right. I'm running around like crazy through this maze of rooms, before I finally skid in front of an exit. I think for a moment, that the crystal-clear glass sliding doors seem preposterous, before they slowly slide open and I zip into the night.
The guards stop following me once I'm some 30 feet into the forest, but I keep running until I can't anymore. I have a notion, in the dream, that I am inside a book. This story is already written, and I am just going through the motions. I even get the feeling that I've read this book before and that I know very soon I am going to get lost in the woods - and sure enough, I do.
There is some break in the story here, where I can't remember what happened, but the next thing I know there is a bow and arrows strapped to my back and 3 other people around me and I'm saying, "Keep a look-out for anything we can eat. Berries, nuts, game," and they are nodding in assent. The only thing we have to eat currently, is a bag of the same nuts I had put in my bread, in a leather bag attached to the belt of one of the people to my right.
We forge ahead, deeper into the woods. We are not only lost; we have no place to go.
Suddenly, everything around us changes, the trees melt together and the shapes around us shift until they reform into a different part of the forest. The government has done this. This is their forest and if they have anything to say about it, we are never getting out alive.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
The Appearance of my Shadow
That being said: onto my dream.
I was in a room, at my parents house (though it wasn't a real room). It was sparse with furnishings, in fact, I noted none at all (though I wasn't looking, really). The dream was quick. My mother was standing near the only entrance to the room and I wasn't talking to anyone, though there were many people in the room. Suddenly, someone enters the room and begins a short conversation with my mother. As I peered closer, I realized that the person that had just entered was... me. Upon noticing her, my doppelganger cast a sideways look at me and smiled in a way that was nearly sinister - a glint in her eyes, as if she were up to no good.
All I could do was stare blankly with my mouth agape for a few moments. In those precious seconds, my other self made her excuses and then turned and ran back through the doorway. I climbed over my shock and took off after... myself, only to find that she was much faster, much more tricky than I.
I lost her, that clever clone.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
So I commenced in the luring of the monkey, and I eventually get close enough to pick him up by the armpits and he clings to me, on my hip, like a little baby. So I have my computer suddenly? I take a bunch of pictures with me and the monkey on my computer's built in video camera, before the cute baby monkey gets too s q u i r m y and I have to put it down. But it was pretty sweet. Wild baby monkey!
Then I had a dream about my ex, Joe, where he came to my house just to drop off a "hate package". This included a bunch of onions, tomatoes (both of which I hate), and some letter than explained that this random guy I know, Clint, has a sex addiction (out of place and random, yes). I threw the chopped up onions through the window of his giant SUV and called it a day.
But seriously... that monkey was sweet.

Some interpretations:
To see a monkey in your dream, symbolizes deceit, insight and intuition. Those around you are working to advance their own interest. Alternatively, monkeys indicate an immature attitude, a playful nature and the mischievous side of your personality.
alternate for monkey: One who is not under your control. Qualities of a monkey applied to a person as an excuse for their behavior.
To dream that you are feeding a monkey, means betrayal by someone whom you thought cared about your interests.
To see or eat grapes in your dream, represent wealth and prosperity. In the end, your hard work will pay off and you will be rewarded for your labor. Alternatively, grapes refer to immortality and sacrifices.
To see a tomato in your dream, symbolizes domestic happiness and harmony.
To see or eat onions in your dream, represent the multitude of layers that you need to get through in order to unveil what is really underneath. You need to dig a little deeper into a situation or problem. The dream may be a metaphor for some revelation.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Purse Snatcher
I lost my purse somewhere, a blue and white one, though I was already carrying an additional red and black one (they were identical, but different colors). The blue one had important stuff in it, and I had already gotten on the bus to go somewhere else when I realized it. I think I was at "my college campus" (it wasn't the same at all). So I realize my purse is gone and I'm like damnit, and have to go back to the bus station where I thought I left it, and it was gone. "Gone!? PURSE THIEVES!" I announce, my eyes narrowed in suspicion.
It is only logical, at this point, that I would search each individual person walking on campus and see if I can find my purse. So help them if I find them!
My dream is efficient at least, in that I find a girl carrying a purse that looks suspiciously like mine relatively quickly. I approach my prey.
"Hey there, just curious... where did you get that purse."
Blank stare.
"Because it looks REALLY similar to mine and mine just got stolen..." Menacing, I know.
Shifty glance. "I.... found it by the train station..." She says guiltily.
(in my mind, at this point train station = bus station where I think I left it, and I don't really think into it anymore because all I want to to do is beat ass)
Proceed to elaborate fight scene where I beat her up (includes sweet two feet kick, in slow mo, don't worry).
.....................ehhhhh it's not mine after all, and its empty :(
Some interpretations:
To see or carry a purse in your dream, represents secrets, desires and thoughts which are being closely held and guarded. It symbolizes your identity and sense of self. Consider also the condition of the purse for indications of your state of mind and feelings.
To dream that you lost your purse, denotes loss of power and control. You may have lost touch with your real identity. If you find a purse, then it represents a renewed sense of self.
To see an empty purse, represents feelings of insecurity or vulnerability.
To dream that someone is stealing something from you, indicates that you are experiencing an identity crisis or are suffering from some sort of loss in your life.
To dream that you are at the bus station, suggests that you have reached some new level or stage in your emotional or physical life.
To dream that you are riding a bus, implies that you are going along with the crowd. You are lacking originality and control over where your life is taking.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
The primary dream I can't remember either, but I remember that some girl had been murdered and put in a dark basement, dropped from a chute in the ceiling.
I also dreamed of the phone call I've been dreading, from a woman about a job saying that I didn't get it. She laughed at my audacity (for something I'd done) and said I didn't get the job. "Thanks for wasting my time," she spit out.
Some interpretations:
To dream that you are dreaming, signifies your emotional state. You are excessively worried and fearful about a situation or circumstance that you are going through. Dreaming that you are dreaming also serves as a layer of protection from what you are feeling. The dream within a dream allows you to experience certain difficult feelings that may otherwise be too painful to confront if you were directly dreaming the scenario.
Symbolically, dreaming that you are paralyzed means you are feeling helpless or pinned down in some aspects or circumstances of your waking life. You may feel unable to deal with a situation or change anything.
To see the dead in your dream, forewarns that you are being influenced by negative people and are hanging around the wrong crowd.
To dream that you are in a basement, symbolizes your unconscious mind and intuition. The appearance of the basement is an indication of your unconscious state of mind and level of satisfaction. It represents primal urges, animalistic desires and basic needs. Basements are also where our negative feelings reside.
To see a girl in your dream, represents your playful, innocent, and childlike nature.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Underwater World and the Dual-purpose Forest
The dream(s) began at the edge of my grandfather's man-made pond. There at the edge, someone was telling me that there was a place deep below the surface and that if I made it there, there was a way to survive being underwater and breathing. It was very very deep below, they said, and many people did not survive the travel. I can't remember who it was that was telling me, but I feel like it may have been a mer-person. So I jumped in, and down, down, down I went.
I remember I could breathe in the water in but only in very short bursts. While there was water around my mouth, when I breathed in just a little, it was air that filled my lungs. I swam deeper. The travel from the surface to the land was blurred and I can barely remember getting there at all. But finally I arrived. And I was in some kind of building. My breathing remained erratic, but sustainable. I went through locker rooms, where some people were naked for whatever reason. There was a bakery in the building as well. There is something I'm not quite grasping here... but it's on the tip of my tongue.. I was looking for something... but I don't know what.
Flash to another dream where me and a friend, whoever that may be, went into someones back yard, where they had some woods. There was a huge hill that went pretty far down until it leveled off so if i looked up back at their house it was probably 2 acres away and rather high up. There, in the ravine/woods, I had previously found some type of cute animal and I wanted to show my friend, so we were sort of trespassing to see it. I found a baby bear; it was off-white though, like a polar bear, but I think it was supposed to be a brown bear, so perhaps it was leucistic (Leucism is a condition characterized by reduced pigmentation in animals and humans. Unlike albinism, it is caused by a reduction in all types of skin pigment, not just melanin. Typically the eyes retain their color.)
It was shy, but still very cute. The mother wasn't in sight, but she must have been around somewhere because the baby bear was healthy. Then I saw a little pack of baby cheetahs. Four of them, I believe. The mother, once again, was probably off hunting, so I got the chance to pet one of them for a short time (they were also rather opposed to humans). Anyway, so I didn't want to disturb them any longer and left (unbeknownst to me, I left a single, black glove there.)
Another snap forward to another part of the dream, where I was organizing some party in the woods. We all showed up and were hanging out partying, and someone found a random glove and it dawned on me that it was mine, but we were in a completely different part of the woods, near the ocean (random and has nothing to do with anything, but still noted).
I remember saying, "hopefully we don't get caught, but I do so-love the part when a party gets busted and everyone just scatters". I was sitting in the group of guys, who I don't know in real life, and I know one of them had driven me there (though where we parked I didn't know or remember). I remember I was eating something obscure, like cupcakes. And I kept putting chocolate and caramel syrup on them and no one else would eat them (like I cared).
Then I saw these flashing lights or something and I thought, oh crap, we're about to get busted for partying in the woods (I think it might have been a protected area). But when I looked over, it was just this girl whom I've recently fallen out of touch with waving a flashlight back and forth just trying to freak people out. So, as this was my party, I ran towards her and put my arms out wide as if I was going to hug her, but when I got close, instead I reached down and grabbed one of her legs and took her to the ground and looked at her menacingly (Pfft, trying to ruin my party, idiot).
After that, while everyone stayed, I ended up leaving anyway. I walked pretty far until I reached the edge of the woods and the edge of the ocean. There was a steep drop off (cliff-type thing) to reach the ocean, but there was a ladder attached to the cliff wall, that someone had smoothed out (mad made). The ladder went down to a dock (which was ONLY attached to the cliff edge, and not to any other type of land), where there was a car parked on top of it (how did it get there? you may be wondering). When I hopped in the car, the keys were gone, and I remembered that this must be my friends car that drove me there (though I don't remember actually getting to the party). There was a dolphin swimming around making sounds around the dock. The car, I realized had begun to sink and was no longer on the dock at all! I remembered randomly that the car ALSO (for some insane reason) could also be started by a really high pitched sound, like a dolphin. So i started making all these crazy sounds and eventually the car roared to life. Just in time for me to realize that this car not only drove on land, but also underwater. I set the controls so that I would just drive on top of the water, and not underneath it like a very fast moving submarine. Obviously this guy was super-rich :P
So I took off, and eventually found land. I know I had a purpose, and that purpose was... get this... to find this person in an underwater land who had gotten stuck there. I was going to find MYSELF, from the previous dream.
But then my cute-ass cat woke me up.
Some interpretations:
To dream that you are in a locker room, suggests that you need time to cool off and calm down. You are involved in some tough competition or are trying to overcome.
To see the woods in your dream, represent life, fertility, rejuvenation, and spring. Alternatively, the woods symbolize the unknown and the unconscious. You need to open yourself up to discovering your potential and your instinctual nature.
To dream that you are walking through the woods, signify your return to an aspect of yourself that is innocent and spiritual. If you are walking out of the woods, then the dream may be a literal depiction of being "out of the woods" or being in the clear of some situation.
To see a cheetah in your dream, suggests that you need to get moving and be more active in pursuit of your goals. Perhaps you have been a little lazy and you need to get off from that seat.
To see a bear in your dream, symbolizes independence, the cycle of life, death and renewal, and resurrection. You are undergoing a period of introspection and thinking.
To dream that you are breathing underwater, represents a retreat back into the womb. You want to return to a state where you were dependent and free from responsibilities. Perhaps you are feeling helpless, unable to fulfill your own needs and to care for yourself. Alternatively, breathing underwater is analogous to being submerged in your own emotions.
To dream that you throw a glove on the floor, suggests that you need to challenge or address someone about an issue that is bothering you.
To dream that you are at a party, suggests that you need to get out more and enjoy yourself.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
To dream that you are in a fight, indicates inner turmoil. Some aspect of yourself is in conflict with another aspect of yourself. Perhaps an unresolved or unacknowledged part is fighting for its right to be heard. It may also parallel a fight or struggle that you are going through in your waking life.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Dead Birds and Sausage
So, amidst the stench, I went around trying to help some of them out. Alas, most of them had already died, but I did end up helping this one little, baby, yellow chick. He was so cute. I went to find him something to eat and I found some corn kernels. So, I went back to give a few to him and he took one in his beak but it was too big for him so he spit it out. Next thing I knew he was sending me these visual messages somehow to my head, basically asking me to drive to this really obscure location to get him ground up sausage. Seriously. Sausage. That's all he wanted. Then I woke up.
Some Interpretations:
Birds often symbolize goals or ideals as they are something we usually have to look up to. This is true even if the bird in the dream is on the ground or dead.
An ostrich indicates there is something you are refusing to face. To see an ostrich in your dream, suggests that you are not facing reality. You are in denial about something and living in a world of your own. Perhaps, there is a situation that you are unwilling to accept. Alternatively, the ostrich can symbolize truth and justice. To see an ostrich egg in your dream, symbolizes rebirth.
A dead bird, other than a crow or other carrion bird is a request to put life into the pursuit of your goals. Don’t just sit and wait for them to come to you. You need to get the off the ground. Alternative: Dead ,or dying, birds foretell a period of coming disappointments and worries.
A chicken indicates your relationship, as chicken is often used as a term of endearment.
Birds eggs in a nest signifies money, but to see them broken then you will experience a loss of money. If you see birds hatching, then your success will be delayed. Alternative: If you see broken, cracked, or otherwise damaged eggs, then you will suffer a reversal of good fortune or a disappointment.
To see corn in your dream, signifies abundance, prosperity, growth and fertility. Kernels of grain or corn predict a valuable gift or unexpected reward.
Sausage is often as a phallic symbol for sexual needs. More generally, sausages refers to a materialistic outlook on your life, which you should be able to correct. Consumption of sausages announces a nice, but very superficial acquaintance.