I am keeping a Dream Journal now because I want to remember as many dreams as I can. Also, it is conducive to lucid dreaming. I apologize in advance because most of my dreams err on the less than pleasant side. Enjoy.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
Give Me Wings
At first one was white and one was red, but towards the end of the dream they were both red. They were absolutely gorgeous. I remember I went to some party and showed everyone, and I could control them sort of. I remember saying to someone, in a bragging tone, "Yea, I mean, I can probably fly now." But I never actually had the chance to try flying, because I woke up.
Some Interpretations:
To dream that you have wings, suggest new found freedom. You are on the right track and are soaring to success without limitations. Alternatively, the dream means that you are trying to escape from a difficult situation.
Alternatively: To dream that you have wings, foretells that you will experience grave fears for the safety of some one gone on a long journey away from you.
To dream that you have the wings of an angel, indicate your sweet, angelic quality. Or you may be in need of some protection from life's stresses and problems.
White represents purity, perfection, peace, innocence, dignity, cleanliness, awareness, and new beginnings.
To dream of the color red suggests danger, stigma and even compulsion, particularly in sex.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Can't Sleep, So I Blog.
Last night I had a dream that I can only remember flashes of. There was a woman, married to a man. She had children. At one point I remember thinking they were my parents, but I'm not so sure. Anyway the father cheated on the mother and, even though he had previously been a great husband and father, proceeded to insult the mother in front of her children. I remember being personally hurt from this, as if it was my own family. It was really sad. It was like 20 some years down the drain, with no previous indicators that he would stray.
Later in the dream, I saw a tanned woman (I don't know if this was the woman he cheated on her with or not). Anyway she was pretty dark skinned, but not black. Maybe an islander. She was beautiful. She had on a bright, hot pink outfit and bright pink hair, in a longer pixie cut, all frayed out to the sides. It matched so perfectly with her skin tone and her perfect features... I don't know what she had to do with anything, but alas, there she was.
Some Interpretations:
Alternatively, cheating dreams reflect the intensity of your sexual passion; you are exploring areas of your sexuality. In this scenario, the dream may actually serve as a reaffirmation of your commitment. [[To dream that your mate, spouse, or significant other is cheating on you, indicates your fears of being abandoned. You may feel a lack of attention in the relationship. Alternatively, you may feel that you are not measuring up to the expectations of others.]]
The appearance of hot pink color in your dream, represents sex and lust.
To dream that you or someone is extraordinarily beautiful, refers to aspects of yourself that you admire and appreciate. These may be feelings that you have recently acknowledged or have incorporated into yourself. The dream may also be reminding you not to take yourself for granted. Do not sell yourself short.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Venus Fly Traps and a Fist Fight
The second dream started where I was in this beat up house. Apparently I had bought some "Goods" from some guy. I paid him but never received anything. I came back to get the goods and he said he had already used them. I was in a rage, like dude gimme my stuff! He just laughed and said too bad, I took too long. I told him to give me my money back, and he refused. I pushed him and he pushed me back. I slapped him in the face and he pushed me really hard. I picked up some random and conveniently placed bucket that someone had pissed in and put it on his head, face down. He raged and threw it off at me and hit me in the face. I punched him. Things got pretty ugly. I told him to just give me my money back and I would just leave. He gave me my money and I left. I was in the car, parked when I thought something seemed funny. I pulled out the money he gave me and realized it was all fake. There was even a 9 dollar bill in there. I sort of laughed to myself like, Damn, I'm an idiot. I pulled out my phone and texted him "Tricky" and that was it.
I had two more dreams after that but I'm too lazy to write them down and they were too splotchy to remember enough to bother.
To see a Venus flytrap in your dream, symbolizes the devouring female. It refers to a powerful or overbearing woman in your life. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor that you are feeling "snappy."
To dream that you are breathing underwater, represents a retreat back into the womb. You want to return to a state where you were dependent and free from responsibilities. Perhaps you are feeling helpless, unable to fulfill your own needs and to care for yourself. Alternatively, breathing underwater is analogous to being submerged in your own emotions.
To dream that you ingest poison, indicates that you are introducing something into yourself that is harmful to your well-being. This may be feelings of bitterness, jealousy or other negative feelings that are consuming you.
To dream that you are being rescued or rescue others, represents an aspect of yourself that has been neglected or ignored. You are trying to find a way to express this neglected part of yourself.
To dream that you are in possession of or taking drugs, signifies your need for a "quick fix" or an escape from reality. You may be turning to a potentially harmful alternative as an instant escape from your problems.
To dream that you are in a fight, indicates inner turmoil. Some aspect of yourself is in conflict with another aspect of yourself. Perhaps an unresolved or unacknowledged part is fighting for its right to be heard. It may also parallel a fight or struggle that you are going through in your waking life.
To dream that something or someone is fake, suggests that you are pretending to be someone you are not. You are putting up front because you are afraid to show your true self.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Insanity Through Another's Eyes
Here's the beginning of what I wrote, and then I'll go into my dream:
Lock the door. Don’t lock the door. Lock it. No, don’t. Click. Click. Click. Stop it. I said stop it. Lock the door. Don’t lock the door. Okay, no, it’s fine. I’m fine. Lock the door!
He moved away from the door or more correctly speaking, spasmed away, only to turn back and unlock the door once more.
Click. Click. Click.
He rubbed his palms together and his beady eyes darted surreptitiously around, seeing nothing but the blank wall before him anyhow, but overcome with the need to look. Look around. Don’t lock the door. Walk away.
He finally twitched away from the door, rubbing his sweaty palms together once more. He kicked at one of the many empty potato chip bags that littered the floor. Some of them had been artfully placed on top of the lampshades or stapled to the walls in his dingy little flat. In fact, there were hundreds of them and more ants than he could count. He didn’t notice.
Count. Onetwothreefourfivesixseven. Seven is unlucky. Why did I stop there, stopping is for losers, that’s what mum always said. Mum always said, got her in the head. No, no, no don’t say things like that. Don’t say things like that. Don’t say things like that. You’ve been a good boy, she would say. She would say to me. She would. She would!
He barked out what some might consider a laugh. He rubbed his sweaty hands together. He looked around with his beady little eyes. He waited.
The dream:
I knew my sister had been killed, and had the inkling suspicion that it was done so brutally. Me and mama were driving away in the old pickup truck, drivin' as fast as we could down a deserted stretch of road out in the country. The pickup truck was real old, ya see, and being only a 14 year old boy, I sat in the back right behind mama as she drove down the dusty road. Flakes of mud coated the underbelly of the truck and rust and many years in the bright sunshine had made the color fade to a dusky sort of pinkish red.
We were fleeing. Anywhere, just not home. Not when my sis' was gone. Not when she had been taken like that. She was only 8 you know? Pretty angel blond hair. Last I recall she was wearin' her pretty sundress that she always wore on Sundays when we went to church. But she was gone now and mama and me, well, we were gettin' outta here, weren't we?
And after I was lulled into a near sleep by the repetitive countryside outside my window, I heard it. The unmistakable sound of a motorcycle grumbling behind us. I watched as a man rode up beside us. He wore no helmet and his manic smile told me all I needed to know about who he was. His arm was wrapped around a big water jug, but my mind broke and all I saw was him holdin' my sis'... draped under his arm, pretty blond hair flying in the wind. She was flappin' like one of her rag-dolls and I knew she was dead. Dead, dead, dead.
The man laughed a cruel and loud laugh and I screamed as loud as I could. I screamed until I thought my head would burst and my eyes would shoot outta my head and I ripped at my hair and I just... screamed. I screamed in sheer panic. I screamed the way the prey animal would scream if it had a notion to, when it was being stalked. Mama heard my scream and without thinking whipped the wheel hard to the left and the biker was suddenly gone and we were careening around on the old dusty road and my head was whipping back and forth and I was still screaming. Never got a chance to stop, ya know? And then we flipped the truck, just once, and it was more traumatic than it was dangerous because we flipped right back the way we should be and we sat in a cloud of dust that was billowing up into the sky from under the tires. I had stopped screaming at least.
Me and mama got out of the truck on shaky legs. I got out first and I saw sis' in the road. She was standin' there, not sayin' anything at all. Just lookin' around in her crisp white summer dress and her pretty blond hair. I don't know if she was an angel or a ghost or what, but I tell ya she was standin' there for a bit. I didn't know what to say, so I said nothing at all. Mama made a sound as she got out of the truck and I turned my head for only a fraction of a second, but sis' was gone. Mama came up and tucked a few strands of her brown hair behind her ear and asked me if I was alright. I wondered where the man on the cycle was.
And as if the Devil himself heard my thoughts, there he was, walkin' toward us over a hill in the road. He was more menacing than anything I could imagine and I felt myself stiffen in terror. Another man walked behind him, and another behind that. The three of them were coming upon us, but all me and mama did was stand. I wish I could say that it was with our heads held high; proud... but we smelled of fear and simply froze in our spots, mouths open like fish. The men surrounded us and grinned with toothy smiles.
The next thing I knew we were in a warehouse or a barn or somethin'. I must have just blacked out, because I don't know how I got there. Mama was standin' to my left and the three men were walking steadily towards us, takin' their time and all. One had a club in his hand and I don't know about the one in the back. The man in the front kept throwin' big rocks towards us that littered the ground of the warehouse. Where were we?
As they advanced the man in front talked bad about us. He said nasty, taunting things and I knew he was just herding us into a corner. We were dead men walking. I missed my sis' and I started to cry. Mama tried to soothe me, but I knew they were empty words. She was just as scared as me and was being just as easily herded to the far wall. They wanted us to run, I'm sure of it. Run and make their chase worth the fun of it all. I wondered if sis' ran, if she cried. She was only 8.
And I was farther back than mama when he hit her with one of those rocks and she cried out. The man in the back turned on some sprinklers or somethin' because it started raining from the sky. I hope it wasn't just my imagination. We were soaked when I turned and ran. There was a big door that was closing slowly, rollin' down from the ceiling (like a garage door), and I ran towards it as fast as I could. Mama yelled for me to run, but just as fast as I reached the door and dove beneath it, the leader man was on me, ripping at my clothes. I somehow squirmed away and another, outside door was closing. I don't know how I got away, it was all in s l o w m o t i o n but at the same time in the blink of an eye. I squeezed through the bottom right before it closed and the man was forced to let me go. I found that I couldn't cry no more, and I took off runnin'.
I ran until I couldn't see straight and my feet bled. I ran until I couldn't no more. I ran while my mama surely died back with the bad men. I left her. I just left her. I had no one. I ran further.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why you should never go to bed wondering how someone could go insane. If you didn't get the idea, I saw this dream from the man in the story I wrote about's point of view when he was a little kid. This is the beginning of his insanity.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Whale Dog!
In this particular dream I was on this giant floating platform with some other people. It was the type of inflated plastic thing like you see in those children's "bounce houses", except it didn't have a top to it. Anyway, so I'm floating around in the ocean, except its inside this room. Alright, so technically it might not have been the ocean but it was this huge room the size of school gymnasium and it had very deep water. Anyway, I look off into the water and I see a freaking killer whale jump out of the water and go back down.
I yell, "Dude, did you guys just see that killer whale?!" and of course no one did. So I'm put out. Anyway I see it again and no one sees it, etc. etc. Finally someone sees it and everyone's amazed and I'm like "I TOLD you!" Anyway then somehow the flotation device gets a small hole in it and starts to deflate. Next thing I know I'm in some side room and this killer whale is flopping and slipping around the room all crazy whale-out-of-water-like. I look away for a second and I look back and its a massive dog.
Let me point out that this dog was very distinct and I know that it doesn't exist as a breed. Besides being very massive, it looks nothing like any dog I've ever seen or heard about and I KNOW dog breeds, okay? Anyway its shaggy and very dark brown, maybe black. And it's looking right at me. Then I wake up.
To see a killer whale in your dream, indicates that you need to be more social or more vocal about something. Step up and speak up. Alternatively, the dream symbolizes spiritual guidance. You are ready to explore your emotions, but you need to make the connection between the conscious and unconscious aspects of yourself.
To see water in your dream, symbolizes your unconscious and your emotional state of mind. Water is the living essence of the psyche and the flow of life energy. It is also symbolic of spirituality, knowledge, healing and refreshment.
To see a black colored dog in your dream, symbolizes the shadow aspect of a friend. The dark side of someone close to you is being revealed and you are able to see through to their true intentions.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Don't remember too much about this dream, but I know that it was at my grandparents again and my family was there, including some random cousins that I haven't seen in a while. I know there was one part where these three kids (who were alternating between being very small children and kittens, I think) jumped in the pond that's in my grandpa's yard. I remember being very worried that they might drown, even though some of my family was swimming out there.
Two of them were fine, but one of them I remember seeing go underwater. The water in the dream was fairly clear (though in real life it's not), so I could see when my cousin Miranda went underwater to snatch the small child/kitten, though she was underwater for a very long time. When she came back up she was alone, without the child, but when I looked to my left, the child was climbing out of the water and onto shore.
The main part of the dream, though, was in the middle of my grandpa's driveway was a giant fruit tree. Actually it was two tree's right next to each other so it looked like one tree. There were several other fruit trees around his yard, but I was mainly focused on this one because it had so many different types of fruit hanging off of it. Lemons, limes, HUGE juicy red apples (this is the most prominent fruit), oranges that were as big as grapefruits, and even grapes (in bunches). It was the best tree ever. Me and my brother asked my grandpa if we could have some and we filled up huge bags full of the best looking fruit I've ever seen. Then I woke up.
To see fruit in your dream, signifies growth, abundance and financial gain. They also symbolize lust and sexuality. If the fruit is ripe, then it represents fertility and conception. You desire a child or you are ready to have a child.
To see apples growing in a tree in your dream, symbolize knowledge, wisdom and great prosperity. Rewards are on the horizon for you.
To see a lemon in your dream, indicates something that is inferior in quality. Perhaps a situation or relationship has turned sour.
To see a lime in your dream, represents temporary setbacks. You need to take the good with the bad. The prosperous time will come only after you endure some of the difficult times.
To see an orange tree in your dream, signifies health and prosperity.
To dream that you are picking and gathering grapes, signify profit and the realization of your desires. In the end, your hard work will pay off and you will be rewarded for your labor. Alternatively, grapes refer to immortality and sacrifices.
To dream that you are watching children but they do not know you are there, is a metaphor for some hidden knowledge or some latent talent which you have failed to recognize.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Some interpretations:
To dream that you are pregnant, symbolizes an aspect of yourself or some aspect of your personal life that is growing and developing. You may not be ready to talk about it or act on it. Being pregnant in your dream may also represent the birth of a new idea, direction, project or goal.
To dream that you are drinking alcohol, denotes that you are seeking either pleasure or escape.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
A Journey
Suddenly we were somewhere else (after my family lost a significant amount of money), maybe just outside of the casino. I had on these white heels, they were huge, like nearly Spice Girls status. Anyway, me and my mother got into another fight, and we started chasing each other like we were literally going to kill each other. Then my shoe fell off. There were a lot of people around and one of them picked it up and threw it to another person. Then everyone started throwing their shoes. I lost track of mine and I was getting pissed off; I just wanted my shoe.
I saw some suspicious looking Asian guys get into this... compartment type thing, like a little stand where they could sell things. I climbed inside and interrogated them. I asked them if they had my shoe and they denied it. I told them that all I wanted was my shoe back and I would pay for it (after all, who sells one shoe?). One of them reluctantly pulled it out from under his table and I quickly pulled it from his grasp while saying, "Are you kidding me? Pay for my own shoe, yea RIGHT!" and he said "Yea sorry, we're from New York." I scoffed at him and went to leave the compartment, only to find out that we were actually on a train. I had to get off quickly because I would have to walk all the way back so I jumped and rolled and it sorta sucked but w/e, it was a dream so it didn't hurt.
I began the long walk back, only to quickly find out that we had gone a lot farther than I had anticipated. I remember thinking that we were all the way near the airport and it was going to take at least half a day to walk home. I walked by all sorts of things I'd never seen before, oddly walking normally in my huge heels. The time passage was quick but I knew I had walked for a very long time, hours and hours. I became naked somehow, and I had to walk up to these houses up on a hill to beg for clothes like some crazy naked, er, beggar. Oddly these houses were all Asians too. (Sweden, USA, China???) Many of them refused to give me clothes but one person did, luckily. I continued walking.
I came across a horse farm, or at least a place where there were two horses stabled up in front of a house. I took the brown one and rode off. We rode for a while and then came to this passage way where there was a lot of water and we had to go underwater for short periods of time to get under these wood planks. We almost drowned, but made it out from under them, after helping the horses face up to get air. The horse was much smaller than an average horse, now that I think of it. We rode and rode and rode some more.
I remember some random girls trying to get on my horse while I was walking with it (I was giving it a break from me riding it) and I had to shoo them off. They scoffed at me. I vaguely remember towards the end realizing this was a dream, but I can't remember anymore.
Some interpretations:
To dream that you are riding a horse, suggests that you are in a high position or position of power. Alternatively, it indicates that you will achieve success through underhanded means. You lack integrity.
To dream that you are on a train, symbolizes your life's journey. Trains refer especially to inevitability. If you are on a train, there is little chance to get off while it is moving. Trains have rigid schedules to keep -- they are inflexible. Derailments, jumping off the train, or a wish to get off, feeling trapped in the train, can all mean a rebellion against this.
To dream that you are wearing inappropriate shoes for the occasion or for the activity at hand, means that your progress and path in life will be long, hard and laborious. It may also indicate that you are heading in the wrong direction. Perhaps you need to reevaluate your goals. If you dream that you lose your shoes, then it suggests that you are searching for your identity and finding yourself.
To dream that you are in a casino, signifies the risk-taker within you. If you are a reserved or passive person, then the dream suggests that you should take a chance. If you are not, then it implies that you need to make a more informed decision instead of relying on fate.
To dream that you are traveling, represents the path toward your life goals. It also parallels your daily routine and how you are progressing along. Alternatively, traveling signifies a desire to escape from your daily burdens. You are looking for a change in scenery, where no one has any expectations of you. Perhaps it is time to make a fresh start.