Don't remember too much about this dream, but I know that it was at my grandparents again and my family was there, including some random cousins that I haven't seen in a while. I know there was one part where these three kids (who were alternating between being very small children and kittens, I think) jumped in the pond that's in my grandpa's yard. I remember being very worried that they might drown, even though some of my family was swimming out there.
Two of them were fine, but one of them I remember seeing go underwater. The water in the dream was fairly clear (though in real life it's not), so I could see when my cousin Miranda went underwater to snatch the small child/kitten, though she was underwater for a very long time. When she came back up she was alone, without the child, but when I looked to my left, the child was climbing out of the water and onto shore.
The main part of the dream, though, was in the middle of my grandpa's driveway was a giant fruit tree. Actually it was two tree's right next to each other so it looked like one tree. There were several other fruit trees around his yard, but I was mainly focused on this one because it had so many different types of fruit hanging off of it. Lemons, limes, HUGE juicy red apples (this is the most prominent fruit), oranges that were as big as grapefruits, and even grapes (in bunches). It was the best tree ever. Me and my brother asked my grandpa if we could have some and we filled up huge bags full of the best looking fruit I've ever seen. Then I woke up.
To see fruit in your dream, signifies growth, abundance and financial gain. They also symbolize lust and sexuality. If the fruit is ripe, then it represents fertility and conception. You desire a child or you are ready to have a child.
To see apples growing in a tree in your dream, symbolize knowledge, wisdom and great prosperity. Rewards are on the horizon for you.
To see a lemon in your dream, indicates something that is inferior in quality. Perhaps a situation or relationship has turned sour.
To see a lime in your dream, represents temporary setbacks. You need to take the good with the bad. The prosperous time will come only after you endure some of the difficult times.
To see an orange tree in your dream, signifies health and prosperity.
To dream that you are picking and gathering grapes, signify profit and the realization of your desires. In the end, your hard work will pay off and you will be rewarded for your labor. Alternatively, grapes refer to immortality and sacrifices.
To dream that you are watching children but they do not know you are there, is a metaphor for some hidden knowledge or some latent talent which you have failed to recognize.
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