Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A Jumbled Mess of Switcheroo's

I had a short dream at first where I got in a fight with my mom. She said she was fat and I insisted that she wasn’t. She told me that I was a filthy liar. I was like ‘uhhh’, so I went to my room where my brother came in complaining about his girlfriend (ex) that he just broke up with for whatever reason. There were many lego’s in this room. It was weird because the room was how it was like 5 years ago instead of how it is now. Anyway, I don’t remember much more about that dream.

The main part of my dream started in school, but it wasn’t a normal school, it was like a shopping center or something. So I walked into school and I had chosen to wear these ridiculously short shorts that I have and would never actually wear to school. Anyway there were many wolf whistles, but I ignored them and went to my locker. I ran into some “friends” of mine there [in reality we’re not friends anymore] and we talked for a minute while I tried my locker. Turns out I had forgotten the combination or the key so I told this guy, Colin, that I had to run back out to my car. It was raining outside so I ran out there and ran back in, only to have not grabbed anything at all, though I didn’t really think about that.

When I got back to my “locker” it was actually my car that I needed the key for, which was sitting there instead of my locker and my 'friend' was already waiting inside claiming that his key worked for it too, which I found bizarre and a bit dangerous for me, but let it go, especially since I had forgotten to get whatever it was I needed from my car outside [which was actually now the car I was sitting in, inside the school]. When he started the ignition, I wondered what we were doing, and he said we had to drive to school. Apparently we were no longer in a building and he revved up the engine and took off like a bat out of hell. He drove like a madman and almost hit a guy on a moped and then almost careened off the side of the road after that. It was one of those dreams where the car doesn’t have much traction. I remember as we were careening off the road into the grass, I saw a large black bat on the ground, sitting oddly still, and was much larger than any bat had a right to be [Dracula, is that you?]. At any rate, fearing for my life I told him to get out and switch me because he was going to either kill us or destroy my car.

So he got out and we switched places and I saw that he had dropped his wallet and $40 and MY ID card for some reason when he moved. I handed it back to him claiming he was forgetful and he owed me. I drove this time, we were already going to be late. I did some fancy driving and ended up going into a rocky ditch. I was really pissed at first but with enough will power and anti-gravity in dreams I made it out of the ditch unscathed and continued on my way. We drove out, only to drive onto this ridiculous bridge made of huge logs that might have existed in a video game. The logs were attached long-ways and were suspended by two big ropes that went underneath them. As you can imagine they swayed dangerously and weren’t suitable for driving on. Needless to say I fell off the edge into the water that was below. There were many logs floating down the river (not just the logs from the bridge).

This is the hardest part of the dream to explain. While in the water (which was very cold by the way), I was floating downstream. If I looked to my left, that’s where the ditch was and the road we came by. I didn’t look behind me so I don’t know what was there, I have an inkling it was a large waterfall. To the right was a huge wall that contained logs that were dropping into the water every so often. The logs would float downstream and reach another wall where they were very organized and stacked in rows and rows and rows as high up as the eye could see.

After we fell Colin said something to the effect of, “And this is why I know you’re not a log cut like the rest!”, like it was some clever saying. Anyway, apparently one of those logs was supposed to coincide with each specific person and I knew which log was mine [somehow] so I swam after it. The water was cold and the current was too fast for me to catch up to. The log got lost, and fixed itself upon the structured log wall. I just randomly picked one and threw it towards shore where Colin was. When it landed it was a barrel instead of a log. I swam back to shore where Colin was there trying on a pair of wooden shoes. He asked, “did you find yours?” and I said I just grabbed a pair, and held up wooden shoes. [[Log = Barrel = Wooden shoes???]] I think my car was already out of the water too in the grass nearby, but for no reason. We were already late for school and I’m pretty sure at least a few miles from it, so there was probably no point in going now. Then I woke up.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A Death Forewarned

So I was forewarned about this dream, in perhaps another dream, or because of some other reason or another. Maybe I had a repeating dream or maybe because my own "knowledge" of what was going to happen made it so, I'm not sure. Keep in mind that this dream had a general sense of unease about it.

So I think I was babysitting, or perhaps the mother had stepped out for a moment and I was watching this happen. It was her daughters birthday maybe, or at any rate she was mixing up cake batter with some friends. At this point she was older, maybe 13 (but later she was 4). Suddenly, her friends were nowhere in sight and she was still mixing away at the yellow goo in the bowl. As if in slow motion, she looks around surreptitiously and ate a spoonful. Then another. Then another. Then, as if I was only a ghost and couldn't intervene (I am fairly sure she did not know I was there) she ate the entire bowl of cake batter. She then clutched her stomach a bit in pain and turned promptly around, without a word, and went down the hall to her room and shut the door.

At this point, I knew she was going to die in there, and either I didn't want to save her, or I didn't have the power (Note: I don't know if she was allergic, it was poisoned, or why she would die from this). Anyway, now she is 4 years old in there, with angel soft blonde curls and a cute little face. Que her mother coming home. I am now visible. She asks me how the party went, I said it went fine while trying not to look suspicious. She's shuffling around with whatever in the kitchen, putting her keys down, using the restroom, generally taking her time. She asks me if I want to go to the gym with her later and I immediately say "No", but then I change my mind and say "Yes", realizing that, although she doesn't know it yet, we are in no way going to the gym later regardless. She then proceeds to walk down the hallway to her daughters room, while I stay in the other part of the house, waiting... waiting.. wait for it...

A blood-curdling scream.

"SHE'S DYING!" The mother exclaims, and I rush in feigning knowledge of this. She's holding her daughter who is slumped over and hanging off her mom's shoulder. Then, eerily the little girl in an angel's guise lifts her head and looks pointedly at me. Her mother is screaming at me to find a phone and the daughter cocks a head at me, her blonde ringlets falling partially in front of her crazed eyes. I inherently know that her mother cannot see this happening. I rush off to find the portable phone and go figure, it's missing like all portable phones always are. I rush back into the room telling her I can't find it, in a panic. The little girl lifts her hand and points with a curled finger to exactly where the phone is in the other room and lifts an artificial smile up that can only be described as extremely ominous. I find the phone and off we go to the nearest hospital.

[Yes the portable house phone works in the car and in the hospital] I am trying to dial the emergency number but I get to an automated machine telling me to press 1 for this and 2 for that. And it's all in Swedish so I can't understand it. Finally I keep pressing 0 repeatedly hoping to just reach a freaking person and I finally do. When he asks for the emergency I tell him and then he asks for the mother's name and I realize I don't know it. I ask her and she spells out some absolutely ridiculous first name and the last name is Belectric. I'm like you're trying to tell me that your last name is Belectric? The operator thinks the same thing and begins to think this is a joke. I'm trying to tell him this isn't a joke but he doesn't believe me. We're sitting here in the freaking hospital while this creepy little kid is dying or probably dead at this point and he thinks its a joke. I rush off to find someone else.

Finally I find some guys who look suspiciously like the doctors on Scrubs and they take us in. We have to wait for the doctor who eventually shows up and proclaims that the nameless girl is in a coma. Then I wake up. Yes, this is the kind of stuff I dream about.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Losing My Memory

I had a dream that I lost my memory from October 16th 2010 to December 27th 2012, and yes, in the dream I actually said the dates out loud and when I woke up I remembered them. So, this would be two days after Christmas. I remember vaguely realizing that this was a date AFTER 12/21/12 (the supposed apocalypse or whatever).

I "woke up" (appeared) in my shower at home. My friend Wara actually came and called for me so I came out and suddenly realized that something was very wrong. I realized I had forgotten EVERYTHING for an extended period of time. I asked her what the date was, and she said December 27th. I initially thought that I had forgotten the last 2 months of my life which is terrifying enough, but then quickly realized it had actually been over 2 years. I asked her what I got for the most recent Christmas, to see if it would somehow jog my memory; she said that she got me some strange device you put under carpets to make them smell good. I couldn’t remember this gift of course and began to panic.

I was driving down the road, searching through my phone (yes, apparently while driving). I was thinking that I was dating a man named Conor at the time of my memory lapse and I called a random number on my phone that frequently occurred in my call list. I reached my supposed boyfriend, and I didn’t recognize the voice. I asked who it was that I was talking to, he said, with clear confusion, “Uh this is only guys number that my girlfriend should be calling for lovin', what's up?” So I exclaimed, "Are we married? Engaged?! How long have we been together?!" in a panic. He was misinterpreting what was going on: "Uhhh we can be?? If that’s what you’re, uh, thinking? What is going on?!" Now he was getting anxious. And all I could think was 'oh my god'. I hung up.

I then found my mother and talked to her about my memory loss. I remember that she seemed strangely flippant about my memory loss. I remember in our conversation talking about a friend of mine, Ariel, who had been pregnant right before my memory loss ocurred. I remember starting to really freak out because i had missed the birth of her child, the naming, and her wedding which had been that winter of 2012. Well, technically I didn't miss it, but I might as well have.

The dream then started to turn bizarre. It turned out my father had turned into a 100 year old taco. My mother pointed to him from across the room. I tried to talk to him but he looked disgusting as a strange seeping burrito. I did it anyway, trying to tell him I didn't understand how this had happened to him. In the dream, I seemed more concerned that he was 100 years old instead of the fact that he was a taco. In this dream, however, another form of my father (in a human body) was sitting nearby and was narrating the taco's voice. I didn't acknowledge him for whatever reason, and continued talking to my "real father", the taco. The dream told me that it "wasn't a big deal" that my father in his human body was talking back to me as if he were the taco, but the taco was actually him, but just didn’t have a mouth to speak with. I vaguely realized it must be terrible to not have eyes to see with, as a taco.

I then went to my school, a place I didn't recognize at all. I realized my hopes of being a vet were crushed. I couldn’t remember anything. I checked my phone again. I realized I had sent and received texts that I didn’t remember writing or receiving. I became increasingly disturbed and woke up distraught. It is quite terrifying to not remember anything you've seen or done for the past two years. I woke up at 6.30 AM to write some shorthand notes about this and fell back asleep.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Two Dogs that I Forgot.

Had a dream about two dogs. Don't remember the actual dream, just remember waking up in the middle of the night reminding myself that I had just had a dream about 2 dogs. Awesome.