Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Dark Half

Just so you know, I do have other dreams besides the ones I put up here. But usually, I try to put up the most pieced together ones I can remember, or the most striking. I usually (now) remember a dream 6 out of 7 days of the week, sometimes even all 7.

This dream is also jumbled, and it makes me a bit angry, but I'll do the best I can with it. I remember being outside in my driveway with two other people, one I think was my brother (who was only my dream brother, as he was rather fat and blond) and another was some guy I can't quite place. We were putting together something or working on something sitting down, but I don't remember what. I called out "Molly!" and this rather large spider (though still real-life sized) came jumping towards us on the pavement. I didn't dare touch her still, but I fed her a bit of meat that I had. Apparently I had trained a spider to come to it's name. How creepy is that?

I was singing "Eyes on me" from Final Fantasy while we worked and Molly ate, and the unknown guy was telling me to sing more! More! But my voice would crack when it got to really high notes and I don't know why he wanted me to keep singing. I got up when I heard sirens. Apparently one of our neighbors' (in a big apartment complex that doesn't exist) near our house, house had exploded. Something relating to the fact that she was a food hoarder and she had kept soup from 7 years back and it caught fire or something equally as ridiculous. It also had something to do with a plane or the fact that the woman was a flight attendant but I don't remember why.

My parents then came outside dressed in all white. Mother had a long curved knife at her hip. They told me they were going shopping or something. I said "Uh, you guys are dressed like you're in the Boondock saints and are going to go kill some people". They quickly ASSURED me that they were only going shopping. Of course I knew better, but what do you do when your parents come outside dressed in flowing white like angels (of death?). They gave me instructions that I was to drive to see my grandparents the following day (and we were going on vacation? So I had to meet them hours away from where they actually live) and they would meet me there, because they had "Things" to take care of first.

After they left, I went to change clothes. My dream snapped to an interview like scene of my dream-brother who was talking to the "camera". He said something along the lines of "Yea, I know I shouldn't have done that cocaine, but it was just pure white working-out power. Pure work and muscle! Usually when I work out I get a stomach ache". Seriously he was this fat kid with blond curly hair, I don't know who he was kidding.

When I came back outside, the my brother and the other guy was gone. I went near a window of my house and called for Molly, who came bounding along. I remember still being frightened to touch her in my dream, though she seemed to be my familiar. I fed her some green thing, when out of the corner of my eye I saw a little girl peering at me from inside my house. It was immediately understood that this was an alternate dimension, and if I were to go around and enter my house, she would not be there, it would only be my own house. I looked at her, looking at me.

She was obviously in a darker realm. She was younger than me with dark brown eyes, translucent skin, and her dark brown hair pulled into a ponytail. She made a terrible, horrifying face that left its imprint on the window as if she had blown hot air and carved her face into it, and it stayed like that. She did it to another window and I was frightened. But as I stared longer, I saw that there may be more than meets the eye. Eventually I saw a flicker of something, a spark in her eyes.

And she smiled. Not in a creepy way, but in a genuine way. I couldn't help but smile back.

Then we threw water balloons at each other (at the window), where mine popped and trickled down the walls, but hers merely bounced back at her. I woke up.

Monday, October 25, 2010

That'll Teach me to go to Bed with a Headache

This dream was one I just had during a nap. I chewed too much gum yesterday and now my temples are sore and I didn't sleep well at all last night and subsequently developed a headache because of it. So, I took a fancy nap for 2 hours and this is what happened. Seriously, what in God's name is wrong with my brain? This dream has no real time line at all that I can recall, so I'm just going to name some bullet points that I can remember, but in no real order.
  • I was in a college dorm of some sort, with my friend Sydney, and we were walking around, I'm pretty sure looking for a lesbian we could hook one of our friends up with (?), but I don't remember the friend. Now, I think I had just moved there or something, because I didn't know anyone else and I was very surprised to find that all the girls walked around in their underwear here. I distinctly remember thinking, 'Oh my god, guys would kill to be here right now, it's like a freaking movie'. We were distracted from our lesbian quest, and instead went to Sydney's room where her dog, who is Bentley (that piece of shit ugly stupid dog that I hate). Apparently, Bentley won't behave and keeps peeing all over her rug and stuff. She didn't train it so I had to teach her how to train it, which consisted of me getting up, rubbing his face in it, spanking him, and putting him in a crate. Oh how lovely and vindictive my brain sometimes is :]
  • Next thing I remember is I was in some kind of aircraft with 6 or 7 other people, all of which are pretty much nameless to me. But we landed at this random place, 12 to 15 feet off the ground, but there were stairs leading down. I remember someone yelling "Hey, don't fall off! Use the stairs!" which I was already doing, but then I look over and some chick I'm with totally falls off the stand and face plants into the ground. Idiot. To my left there is a street going downhill, with a covering over it, so maybe it's going into a tunnel, or there's a walkway above it. Point is, to my left there are 8 models. Two of them are a pair of twins, but they are dressed differently (this strikes me as strange to dream about). Apparently the street is vacant because they're about to do a fashion show or something down the street. They are bickering amongst themselves like idiots. The show begins. To my right there are rows and rows of bleachers, pretty much full up, like a football game, but for these models. People are DRUNK. They are falling out the sides of the bleachers like ants. There's so many people falling I don't understand. We quickly run down the street, probably screwing up the show, to avoid getting hit by falling people and the weirdness of it all.
  • I am showing Jonas a picture of something hilarious/bizarre/sick I found to cheer him up. We are in some random house. The picture is of some Asian guy that had killed a giant octopus, and chopped off the body/head part, and climbed into and wore its tentacles on his legs and rearranged the rest so he could take a picture in a library. Half man, half octopus. I remember being disgusted, but when I looked closer it looked like he had built the octopus tentacles out of Lego's. One really can't be sure.
  • The part I remember vaguely, right before I woke up, was that my mother was near me and I said something along the lines of, "Wouldn't it be fun to birth me again?" and she responded, "I think twice is enough, don't you?"
O_O Seriously, what is wrong with me. I was only asleep for like an hour and a half.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Finally a Lucid Dream

I'll keep this one short, but I was having a lot of trouble sleeping last night so it seems like a good time to have a lucid dream; when you just can't get comfortable and it's a while before you slip between reality and dreamworld. Maybe this is why I finally had one. Anyway, in every lucid dream I've ever had (except one) I always try to fly. It's pretty much an instant thing, "Oh, this is a dream!.... I CAN FLY!" And what is strange is that every time, even though I know it's a dream, I still have to find some way of helping myself fly. In only one dream I used faerie dust, but in every other dream it is usually an umbrella. I'm not sure why but it seems like a good idea at the time.

So, I think this dream started at my grandparents house. I never realized how many dreams I had there, or maybe it's just a coincidence that I've been having them a lot more lately for whatever reason. Anyway, it was a group of me and some friends and we were walking around doing something, I don't even know. I remember one of them pointing out that there was something creeping around in this giant bush, like some creature or monster or something. This is when I realized it was a dream, so it was pretty immediate. One transition period later, I was in some random town that of course I've never been in. I was with my friend Rachel, the girl that shot me in the last dream (lol). And so I wandered into this shop, they sold Festis (My first Swedish product in a dream, yea!!!) Of course, they also happened to sell umbrella's and a variety of other random snacks and things. It was sort of like a gas station store where it had some useful traveling gadget's, but that was about it. So I got myself this umbrella and went outside and jumped in the air and flew around!

Usually in these dreams, even though I know I can fly, there is something in my head telling me that it's just not possible, so I usually can't fly that high or I will fly up really high and then have to land, or I can only jump impossibly high. I was lucky enough in this dream that I could fly around for a long time so that was pretty awesome. I remember seeing the look on people's faces when they saw me take off, and I just laughed and it was sooo sweet. Anyway, I finally landed and my friend was like "Dude, what about me!?" I'm like good point, so I go back to the shop where I got the umbrella and they're all out of the umbrellas that I used. I'm pretty pissed but I'm like 'Okay, this is a dream, so I can just make this happen right?' So, I close my eyes and I'm trying to force my subconscious into creating more umbrellas and it won't work (it usually doesn't). Luckily I found some in a pile below the stand that people hadn't seen (or maybe it actually did work this time?). So I took one, a different color from my own and went out of the store and gave it to her.

So we went around flying a bit, didn't go up more than probably 750 feet, but that was out of choice, not limitations. I'm not too much of heights person. Anyway, I don't remember much else from the dream, but I do know that when I woke up it felt like I was already awake... does that make sense? Like when you fall asleep with your eyes open and you're just suddenly awake and staring, and it feels like you skipped a step? Well that's what this was like.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Zombies (Part 2)

So I go back to sleep and I am at an abandoned house and it's very dilapidated, but quite a bit larger than the house in my kitten dream. You know the deal, windows bored up, gutters falling off and swaying back and forth a bit, paint crusting off, abandoned, ominous. The works. So I'm here, and I'm with my friend, though at the moment I can't remember who it was. I don't know if this is a crime scene or what but there are a few police cars and some people mingling about and people looking around oddly. Well I don't know what happened, but someone screamed and there was an explosion as one of the cop cars went up in flames. Then there were suddenly like 4 or 5 zombies. For all those zombie buffs out there these were the flesh eating kind, slack mouths, made moaning noises, but were much faster than they should have been so people actually did have to run.

We had some following us as we ran away all over town and by the time we had made it back to the abandoned house, there were at least 20 or 25 of them (having turned citizens into zombies as they ran all over town). So now that we have outrun them for the time being, it's time of course, ladies and gents, to go INTO the house. Of course all the doors and windows are boarded up and "lucky" for us, there's a strange hole the we can make our way into the house, So it's sort of like climbing in a half muddy hole, half cave, and we have backpacks on, I don't know why. It is a very tight fit and even if you aren't claustrophobic, it gets a bit scary, and I have to take off my backpack to even fit in this hole. My friend behind me was more scared than I was so I pushed on and encouraged her to do the same. Eventually we had made it into the house.

It gets a bit blurry here, but the point is zombies eventually made it into the house and the hunt began. I mean, I've never been in a zombie apocalypse... have you? So somehow I got a gun and started shooting at zombies. But then after a while the dream sort of lost focus on zombies and people I know sort of were showing up in the house. This girl I know, Rachel, was there and we both had guns, I guess for zombie shooting, but somehow we got into a fight, I'm not sure. The point is that I might have shot at her and then she started shooting at me so I ran off and I went through this doorway into a room and she shot once, twice and missed. I tripped and fell and I was laying there with my back on the ground and she was in the doorway with the gun pointed at me. I was begging her not to shoot me, knowing that I was being a bit hypocritical since I shot at her. I closed my eyes and begged her not to shoot me. I heard a gun shot and it made impact.

I did not wake up. I felt what it was like to be shot. I think she shot me in my right lung but I can't be sure. I didn't feel much pain but more like a creeping numbness that swept through my body to my fingertips and my legs. My nerves stopped working correctly and I couldn't move the way I used to. My speech was slurred and my vision became blurry. I couldn't breathe. My consciousness started to dim and I felt her presence laying beside me, though I'm not sure why, maybe I shot her as well. But this sort of awful pressure descended upon me and though it didn't really HURT, it was not a pleasant feeling. I knew I was dying and all I could think was, "So this is death. She shot me. This is dying... what comes next?"

Kittens (Part 1)

I had two dreams last night. The first dream began when I was at my house. There is a huge valley outside my house in the 'back yard'. It's too hard to explain so I'll just leave it at that. Anyway so I look down and I see this baby white tiger is stuck in something and so I go over and I pull it free. Then I just start to walk up to my house (weird because there's no way I wouldn't try to pet it or do SOMETHING, but w/e). So I'm walking up to my house and then I see these two full grown white tigers running from the top of the hill to the valley where the tiger is. All of the sudden I remember this random folktale that says that when a baby white tiger is all alone in a valley, other white tigers will come and kill it. I don't know how my brain comes up with this stuff.

So I rush down to safe the tiger and these things look more like white lions than white tigers, but w/e. So obviously we can communicate, I don't know that they can talk, but we know what each other is saying and I try to convince them that he's just a baby kitten and they shouldn't kill him and they say he needs to die. At this point there are like 18 or 19 adults circling me, but the leader of them feels bad for the little runt and decides finally that he can live. I get to keep him! Yay!

So then a transition period, and I'm at "my house" except it's really some dingy, dilapidated house in the middle of nowhere. I have put my tiger cub in my house to chill. Then I'm outside and all of the sudden I see two stray cats (house cats) and I HAVE to save them. So I snatch them up and put them inside. Then I see some kittens, well hell I HAVE to save them too!! Then there's more and more, all of different ages and colors and sizes and....

I basically turned into the crazy cat lady.

Still though, AMAZING dream with lots of kitties! Yayyy. So then I wake up and immediately go back to sleep, only to be in a new dream about...


Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Hunt

So I was sitting at the terminal of an airport I've never seen and I was sitting next to some random people, but as is with most dreams, everything was weird. The seats were on the ground and sort of tilted back and I had my passport, plane ticket, purse, and cell phone on me. Some people that were sitting next to me came and went and I distinctly remember this sketchy looking chick sit down next to. Of course, I get up to do something and come back and I remember she had two passports and I was like wtf but I didn't say anything because what do I know?

She gets up and leaves and I look through my stuff to find out that not only is my passport gone, but my ticket to Europe as well. I begin to panic because the ticket is worth like $150o. After frantically searching and harassing the people next to me what they saw, I head to the front desk and tell them my things are missing on the off chance they might know something or can help me. Miraculously, someone has turned in my passport but not the boarding pass. My flight leaves in like 2 hours, at 6 p.m., so I'm basically screwed unless I can find it (at least in my dream, anyway).

Then there was some transition period where I found out where these random people were and I asked around and after some threatening of lives, some meek, round boy told me that he had indeed seen my ticket and it was this girl he knew. (Funny enough she's a girl in my Animal Behavior class but I've never talked to her before. I'm probably going to look at her funny the next time I see her.) He told me that she had shown him the ticket and was bragging about it or something. I asked him where she was and he said she was running a marathon today. Anyway, another transition period later I found her and confronted the little thief. Of course she denied it and took off running.

It became difficult to find and catch her because of all the other runners in this race. We weren't on city streets or anything, it was a weird jumble of rooms and trails, I don't know. Eventually I found her by the edge of this drop off thing. There was a fence and below it was water and in the middle of this there was an island with the largest anaconda snake I've ever seen, curled up and very much awake. I demanded she give me it back because I knew she had it. She honored my wishes by turning into a dog and sliding through the railing and before I could grab her, she had fallen into the water in the enclosure below. I watched the dog paddle to the edge while the huge snake slithered into the clear water, looking for its next meal. It was a close race but the dog made it to the edge quicker than the snake could reach it. She turned back into a person and ran off. I continued the hunt.

I finally found her up ahead and she was running really fast so I had to and I was exhausted (probably reminiscent of how far I had to walk last night and how tired I was all night). I finally caught up to her and got the ticket back somehow. I had already missed my flight though, and I woke up to the thought of hoping the airline would let me switch it for a later time.

Friday, October 15, 2010


I can't remember too much of this dream, but me and Conor were at some gas station I think, and I distinctly remember I had a gold Toyota Corolla. What is funny is that I know absolutely nothing about cars, but when I googled the Corolla today, I found out that the car looked just like that! I don't know if someone once told me what a Corolla looked like and my brain unknowingly cataloged it or if it was just a coincidence, but I found that a bit weird. Anyway I left the car for like 1o minutes to go do something and someone stole it! I was quite upset.

Ironically, there was a cop driving by at just that moment so I flagged him down and told him what had happened. He immediately went in search of it. Some time lapsed and he actually found it and returned it to me, which was awesome. Also for some reason my little cousin Hunter was a dirt bike trick specialist or something and he was on TV. I'm pretty sure my great grandmother (dead) was in this dream too but I can't remember why.

P.S. I'm thinking maybe I'll put in a special edition entry of some of my past memorable dreams soon.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Renegades in the Night

I had a dream that me and a team of misfits or more appropriately, renegades, were trying to break into this building. It was night and though we were sneaking quietly, we came across this man. I assume he was going to call the alarm on the building, so we took turns beating the holy hell out of him. I remember I punched him 100 times before my hands were swollen and bleeding and then I let someone else carry on. I don't know if the man deserved it or if it was just because he was there, or if he was the enemy. I might know if I could remember why we were trying to break into this building. We decided it would be best to just kill him, so we were going to shoot him, but the gun shot would announce everyone to our presence so we took him to the woods a ways away. I got a strange feeling I was in a video game at this point. Once we were in the woods, we were going to shoot him with a pistol, but just then people started coming down the dirt road near us so we had to hide. Obviously since we were in the woods, it was difficult to find good hiding places, and the only thing we really had was shrubbery or trees. We were with some asian girl that would. not. shut. up. It was really irritating since we were trying to hide. Anyway, more people with heavy weapons (automatic guns) came and our hiding places were shit. Of course they spotted us, so I took off.

I ran and ran and ran, not in the same direction as the others I came with, I don't know what happened to them. I could feel bullets from their guns hitting the ground below me as I weaved in and out of trees, but miraculously they were missing me. I jumped a few fences and busted into some womans house who promised to help hide me. I came out of the back room that I had been hiding in for a while and saw her in the front room glancing suspiciously at the front door. I got a very untrusting feeling and came up behind her and choked her with a bed sheet (attack first, ask questions later). I asked if she had told 'them' where I was hiding, evidently she had, the little wench, so I took off out the front door and hopped her fence again, trying to find a new place to hide. I finally came across and old man with a dog coming out onto his front porch and I busted into his place this time instead. After much convincing, he let me stay there to hide. I never let him out of my sight so he couldn't tell the men where I was. Eventually I left his house and was walking down a deserted dusty road with no particular destination in mind. I don't remember anymore, and I woke up. I only remembered this dream after 10 minutes of being away, and I usually forget if I don't write it down immediately, so I'm glad I remembered this.

Side note: You may be concerned that my dreams are usually bad and/or disturbing. Well sorry, too bad. Go read Santa's dream journal.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Attempted Murder

I had a dream I was in my parents house, which is weird enough as it is because I usually dream about places that don’t exist. I know it started out with my mother, me, my brother, Ariel, and my cousins Megan and Miranda. I’m pretty sure for some reason my cousin Megan threw up on our decorative table in the living room, which is normally covered in pictures and and decorative things but instead it was empty in this dream. Except for the vomit. Then they left so it was just us four remaining.

Anyway Ariel was supposed to spend the night on the couch in the living room. My mother was sitting at the kitchen table reading the paper, which she doesn't usually do. I don’t remember what my mother said at this point but I know it was very demeaning and rude and so mean I almost couldn’t stand it. I stalked off to my room because I hated it when my mom did stuff like that in front of my brother and friend because it was not only rude but embarrassing as well. I guess something in me snapped because as I got to my room I swiftly turned around and came back into the kitchen where I started to yell at my mom. I screamed, really. I took the newspaper she had been holding and I ripped it into pieces and threw it everywhere, and I’m pretty sure I destroyed something else or we got into a slapping fight; I can’t remember what. I generally caused a SCENE.

I knew I was probably embarrassing myself but I was just so angry… as any of you that know about my temper could imagine... It's annoying that I can't remember what we even got into a fight about, though. At some point I spoke to my brother and he said, "You know, usually when people do these things they just embarrass themselves, and you totally just did". It made me angry because I felt justified in what I had done, even if it was a bit, well, psychotic. Anyway, I went into my room and got ready for bed. I could hear them talking about me in the kitchen, saying things like I was an embarrassment or something. It made me mad but I just locked my door and laid down. Then I heard a knock at my door. I waited for them to tell me who it was, because if was my mom I didn’t want to let her in. I called out… “Ariel?” - no answer. I waited and reluctantly called out “Mother?” - no answer. I unlocked the door and there stood my mother with basically no facial expression at all. I figured she had come to either yell at me or to apologize. There was nothing I could really do to stop her from getting in so I just reserved myself to letting her have her say, because there was nothing I could do about it. I just got in my bed and laid back down.

She sat on the edge of the bed and held one of my hands but left her other hand free. I suddenly got a bad feeling. I said “Mom?” And she said "Come here" blankly and lifted up my blanket as if she were going to try to hold my other hand or "comfort me” in some way, but I seized her other arm quickly and found she was holding one of our house door keys in her hand (they unlock the doors from the outside of the rooms in my house, not a door TO the house. They don't have ridges on them, they're just a straight bar with a flat end on them, if you know what I'm talking about). The key was clutched between two fingers and I knew then that she was in my room to try to stab me in the stomach!!! I looked at her and she didn’t say anything, just blank eyes glazed with loathing. She had finally had it with me apparently.

So, I grabbed her other wrist and a struggle commenced. Now, I am not very strong I’ll be honest, but either is my mom. So eventually I overpowered her and pushed her on her back pinned down by her wrists and flicked the key out of her hand. I then looked over and she had another key in her other hand. She had apparently come prepared to slaughter me by way of gutting. I took the second key and put it next to the other on the bed next to her head where she couldn’t reach them since I had her arms pinned. Then she suddenly had ANOTHER key. But it was in a third arm!!! I had to grab her third arm with my right hand as well which was annoying because it was hard to grasp two wrists with one arm. I pushed the three keys off the bed. I’m pretty sure at one point I slapped my mother. I don’t remember how I got out of the room with her. Maybe I pleaded with her not to kill me. At any rate she went to bed in her room, I think. I was very distraught when I came out into the kitchen where Ariel still was, either oblivious or uncaring of the matter. She looked at me and said simply, "Megan's throw up was just left on the table!" Like I was going to do something about it. I was just like "Clean it up yourself". She had the balls to look affronted and said something about the fact that she was MY cousin. I told her I didn’t give a shit and went to my room. After all, my mother had just tried to kill me. I woke up crying. I usually don’t wake up crying but I did this time. My own mother had tried to kill me!

Side note: Ironically we do have two keys in the house, but a third one had gone missing years ago.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My Really Fast Dog

So, I wish I had written this down as soon as I woke up, but alas I didn't. So you're only going to get a short preview of it. Basically (in real life) my dog just turned 19 on October 6th. 19!!! He is quite the badass, just so you know. So I had a dream that my dog, Spuds, was...

Wait for it...

A motorcycle. Yes he was part dog, part motorcycle and I was driving him down the freeway and came to a stop and some officer was there and was like "Uh, what are you doing?" and I was like 'just ridin' my motorcycle dog'. But then I started to feel bad because he's so old and I knew he probably could keep this up so I stopped and let him go home with my parents or something I don't remember.

Then I was at my old high school (*Shudder*) and there was some huge event going on, and I ended up making out with some guy, which shall remain nameless, and there was a lot of hubbub going on, and my friend Ariel was there, and I never even see her anymore, except in my dreams apparently. I don't know. The motorcycle dog part is obviously the best :P

Monday, October 4, 2010

Can't Quite Piece This One Together

I dreamed that my boyfriend in my dream was in some way involved with birds, maybe he was a chicken farmer or a bird caller? I don't think either of those things are true, but regardless there were a lot of birds in this dream from what I can remember. I remember I was looking at an old sepia toned photo (it was back in like the 1930's or something???) of a class of people doing whatever it is he did and I know I was granted one wish, for some reason and I wished that I could be what he was. Slowly I looked at the picture and my face in a weird 1930's haircut began to appear in the picture. When I looked up, I was actually there, and all the people that were in the picture were mingling around. I looked around and saw MYSELF but from the 30's, and slowly I turned and looked at myself and it was really weird. I don't know if anyone who's reading this has read Harry Potter but they say when you're going back in time you want to make sure you don't see yourself because you'll probably freak out? Well it's true, it was a bit more than bizarre.

I don’t remember really what happened next but then I was at my grandparents house out in the middle of nowhere where they live and I got the feeling that I had just slept for a month or something. Maybe it was in response to time travel? Anyway, I woke up and it was the middle of the night so I went to sneak into the house and get some of my clothes that I though I had left in there but my grandma woke up and came out and was like uh what day is it? She told me and I figured out I had slept for a month, I think possibly in the grass outside. Anyway, it was sort of like another memory loss dream. Which is weird because I've never had one before a week ago, or whenever that one was. I know there were a lot of birds in this dream but for the most part I can't piece this dream together.

What's weird is I also had another dream towards the end when I was about to wake up where I recapped my whole dream to myself, noting it down like I was typing it on here, but when I woke up I obviously hadn't because now I can't remember more of it. I know my boyfriend had a wish granted to him as well at the beginning and I know there are huge chunks I left out, but alas, here's what I remember.