Thursday, October 14, 2010

Renegades in the Night

I had a dream that me and a team of misfits or more appropriately, renegades, were trying to break into this building. It was night and though we were sneaking quietly, we came across this man. I assume he was going to call the alarm on the building, so we took turns beating the holy hell out of him. I remember I punched him 100 times before my hands were swollen and bleeding and then I let someone else carry on. I don't know if the man deserved it or if it was just because he was there, or if he was the enemy. I might know if I could remember why we were trying to break into this building. We decided it would be best to just kill him, so we were going to shoot him, but the gun shot would announce everyone to our presence so we took him to the woods a ways away. I got a strange feeling I was in a video game at this point. Once we were in the woods, we were going to shoot him with a pistol, but just then people started coming down the dirt road near us so we had to hide. Obviously since we were in the woods, it was difficult to find good hiding places, and the only thing we really had was shrubbery or trees. We were with some asian girl that would. not. shut. up. It was really irritating since we were trying to hide. Anyway, more people with heavy weapons (automatic guns) came and our hiding places were shit. Of course they spotted us, so I took off.

I ran and ran and ran, not in the same direction as the others I came with, I don't know what happened to them. I could feel bullets from their guns hitting the ground below me as I weaved in and out of trees, but miraculously they were missing me. I jumped a few fences and busted into some womans house who promised to help hide me. I came out of the back room that I had been hiding in for a while and saw her in the front room glancing suspiciously at the front door. I got a very untrusting feeling and came up behind her and choked her with a bed sheet (attack first, ask questions later). I asked if she had told 'them' where I was hiding, evidently she had, the little wench, so I took off out the front door and hopped her fence again, trying to find a new place to hide. I finally came across and old man with a dog coming out onto his front porch and I busted into his place this time instead. After much convincing, he let me stay there to hide. I never let him out of my sight so he couldn't tell the men where I was. Eventually I left his house and was walking down a deserted dusty road with no particular destination in mind. I don't remember anymore, and I woke up. I only remembered this dream after 10 minutes of being away, and I usually forget if I don't write it down immediately, so I'm glad I remembered this.

Side note: You may be concerned that my dreams are usually bad and/or disturbing. Well sorry, too bad. Go read Santa's dream journal.

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