Had a pretty interesting dream last night, that, as I type, is slipping through my fingers. I was at my home and I could fly (sort of). It was very w i n d y, and I needed these huge gusts of wind to take flight, and go with the gusts, but as usual, even my subconcious can't accept the concept of unaided flight. I could go much higher than I usually can (typically I'm aided by an umbrella, and on one occasion faerie dust) but I had to land if the gusts of wind stopped. I remember I had some girl that I was later trying to teach (my apprentice, if you will).
Later, I was in some... place. There was an elephant, a baby elephant, in a circular cage about 25 feet in diameter. At least 30 people were circling the cage peering in, and it was alone in there, with little to nothing else inside the cage. I don't recall being at a carnival or zoo, so I'm not sure exactly what was going on, but alas, there it was. The elephant was a girl, and I can't remember her name, but I know I knew it at the time.
Anyway, I went up to the cage and made a beckoning noise towards her and she came happily galavanting over, trotting I would say, and she held out a blue squeaky ball towards me, so I grabbed it through the iron bars and threw it to the other end of her enclosure, and she ran after it. A fetching elephant, if you'll believe it. She kept coming back to me and pretty much only me. I think I had some kind of empath link with her or something, and am fairly sure I was a witch in this dream. I couldn't "talk" to her, because she couldn't talk back, but she seemed to know what I wanted. Also I could fly, if that's not reason enough to believe I was a witch. :P
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